Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Valentines Day this year was full of LOVE and parties.
Scarlet had several Dr. appts. the day of Jace's party so thankfully Brandon worked from home that day. It was soo nice to be able to attend by myself and to have a little one on one time with Jace.
Miss. Tharnish and her sweet little baby Jax
Kai's school Valentine Party...
Scarlet can't get enough of Kai...she loves to always be climbing on him and to be around him.

Scarlet was very proud to receive her very first Valentine ever from her little friend Asher.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

100th Day of School 2010

Today was the 100th day of school and all of the kids were asked to dress as if they were 100 years old. Jace was sooo excited he was coming up with ideas on how to look really old all week. The best part?? The baby powder in his hair.
Later on in the school day they had a parade. It was sooo fun watching Jace come out. Kai didn't have a care in the world as he greeted his big brother with a big hug. :-)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One girl and all boys...

is what it seems like for Scarlet these days. She's surrounded by her brothers and their friends and...all of her little friends are boys too. She may look very girly but, when she opens her mouth she quite often growls and when it comes to toys she'll pick Star Wars, Nerf bullets, or any other toy that belongs to her brothers before she'll even glance at anything that resembles a girl:)

Truman always has a hand on Scarlet...maybe he's trying to claim her as his or, she's also been known to be used for standing or pulling up support...

Thanks for the photos Taryn:)

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