Thursday, April 24, 2008

Love my "LOVE BUG"

Those of you that don't live in the south are probably wondering why these ugly looking bugs called Love Bugs are on my blog (especially if you are aware of my true phobia of bugs.) Let me explain:

During the semi-annual Love Bug flights (seasons), the air is covered in these little bugs that are attached to each other. Don't keep your mouth open too long or you will have a mouth full. It wasn't until the 1940's, in Galveston; when these bugs were first named. The reason these bugs are always attached is because a Love Bugs entire mature life is spent copulating with its mate. The male and the female attach themselves at the rear of the abdomen and remain that way at all times, even in flight(I have never seen a single Love Bug.) After mating the male Love Bug dies and the female continues to carry him around until she is ready to lay eggs.
My point of this post is that the other day our entire family was jumping on the trampoline along with probably 300,000 Love Bugs mating around us when Jace looking so innocent said, "Daddy your my favorite, I wish you and I could stick together forever like Love Bugs do." Brandon and I started laughing, and as he came around the trampoline one more time we both grabbed him and gave him the biggest hug. He brings so much love into our family. He is our little "Love Bug."

A bus station covered in Love Bugs (this picture does not do justice but it was the best I could find.) You know it's bad when you take your kids to the park and they can't go down the slide because its covered in smashed Love Bugs. :-)


Sonia said...

That is sooo funny that you posted this. I had just been talking to my sister about "love bugs" and why they were called "love bugs." Neither of us knew, so thanks for the information. So interesting!!! BTW, that is too funny about Jace!!!

Amber said...

so disgusting about the slide at the park, and how long does this go on?? I don't think I could even go outside when it was love bug season.

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