Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome Little Miss....

Scarlet Ann Walker

Born: January 5th, 2009
Arriving 4 days early
at 1:20pm

10 pounds 2 ounces

21 1/4 inches long

Mom and baby Scarlet are doing well!!


kim said...

Congrats! I can't wait to hold her. She looks so sweet. See you tomorrow.

Ashli said...

Congrats again! Well done Alyssa! Sorry it was such an ordeal. She sure is darling though. Finally you're little(big)girl. We hope you recover quickly!

Taryn and the boys said...

What a sweet little girl. I'm so excited to see her. Hope your feeling a little better and a lot better soon.

Janan said...

Oh Alyssa!! Congrats! I can't imagine what you went through! Did I ever tell you I was 10 lbs 1 oz when I was born?? Yep! I have heard all the horror stories from my petite mom!!

Well, I know it was all worth it, right?? Enjoy her! And tell the hubby to get ready to confiscate the credit card, debit card, and money!! It is way to easy and FUN to get carried away on little girls!!

CONGRATS!! Post lots of pictures!!!

Karen said...

Beautiful girl! Congratulations Walker family!

Amy said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet her.

rmreed said...

Congratulations! She is so beautiful, can't wait to see her.

Andrea said...

Oh Alyssa, I am so happy for you! Congratulations!! What a sweetheart. I can't wait to see her. Take care of yourself!

Wendy said...

Yea! So sweet! Congratulations!

Jeni and Dave said...

Hooray! Congratulations! I bet you are so happy to have her here safe and sound. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl! I hope you will post at least some of her birth story. I am surprised they let you go so long with your others being big too. Hang in there. I wish you a speedy recovery and lots and lots of sleep!

Brittany Anne said...

I have the cutest little niece! I cannot wait to be able to hold her and play with her! How are the boys getting along?

Karly said...

Congratulations you guys! GIRLS ARE SO FUN as you will find out! I hope you're doing well (as you say).. Drew was 9 pounds 4 oz and I was NOT well. Take care of yourself and tell us your story soon!

Sonia said...

Congratulations! She's a beauty!!! Thanks for keeping us updated, and so quickly!!!! I hope you're feeling well!

Julie said...

Congrats Walker Family! She's just absolutely precious.

Sherwoods said...

Congrats you guys!

cortney and neil said...

Congrats you two. She is beautiful. I am sad I am not there this time around. I am proud of you though alyssa. I think you have a little bit of wonder woman in you.
Love ya tons

Stacie Orr said...

I'm so very happy for you guys! She's so precious! I love the name! Take Walker Family and feel free to tell me what it's like having a girl. Lol

Lisa said...

Alyssa...I am so happy for you and so excited for you to experience the "pink" side of life. I still can't believe that petite little you can carry those big babies. You are amazing!

Jer & Di said...

OHMIGOSH!How did you carry a 10 pund baby?? I am amazed! Congrats Allie girl!

Katy Schepis Edmondson said...

Congrats!!!! She is so sweet. Best of luck with everything. Hope I can see her sometime.

Courtni said...

Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you guys -- you will love having a girl! Can't wait to see more pics! (and seriously, I can't believe how someone so little can grow such 10 pound babies!)

The Moore's said...

seriously aly, how did you do that! she is darling though!! congrats.

QnA Drapers said...

Holy Cow- 10 lbs!! You are amazing- she is beautiful. Congratulations on your beautiful girl!!!

Maddock Family said...

I hope that there is PINK everywhere in her room! Just for you to take a break from all the boy stuff sometimes!!! Congratulations!

PS I am hoping you watched the Batchelor!!!! Its going to be exciting!

Colette said... sweet! I love little girls!! I am so glad she is FINALLY here! Good job on making it so far!! Your a trooper!!

Emily VO said...

Such a beautiful little girl. So glad to hear that everything went well

Bonnie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Yea! I can't believe she is so big! I hope you are doing well and recovering okay. How fun to have your little princess here. I'm sure her big brothers will be great to her! We wish you well.

Molly Koch said...

congrats you guys! she is darling. It looks like she is a little blondie! I hope you are recovering quickly. can't wait to see more pics.

Cydnee said...

Alyssa and family, I am so happy for you! She is a doll. I hope you are getting some sleep and can't wait to see her in person one day. Call me when you get a chance.

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