Monday, April 6, 2009

She's officially a member...

of our local gym. Brandon and I have been attending the gym at different times each day for the past three months. So, we were really looking forward to the day of attending the gym once again as a family. Our gym starts taking babies at three months and today was the day. The ladies watching Scarlet said that she did great. Never cried, slept a little, and observed everyone and everything.
Kai was sooo excited to have Scarlet come to the gym with us but, got a little teary eyed when the ladies in the baby-watch told him the rule was that older kids couldn't come into the baby area even if it was just to check on his little sis. Afterwards we stopped by the cafe for a little mid morning snack. Way to go's to many more play dates at the gym. :-)


Karly said...

I loved the three month mark! You must go to Lifetime? I LOVE THAT PLACE!

Courtni said...

it is like waiting until 18 months so they can finally go to nursery at church :-) enjoy the gym!!

Unknown said...

What a big girl - she is growing up too fast! Love, Grandma

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