Thursday, January 21, 2010

Temple Square

{Poppy, Nonny, Brandon, Kai, Alyssa, Jace, Brittany, Chase}

Our last Sunday in Utah we planned to head to Temple Square with my family to show the boys the lights for their very first time. Right before we headed out everyone backed out saying it was too cold. So, we dropped Scarlet off to bed at B's parents (THANK YOU) and headed downtown. Once we were on our way everyone started calling to say they had changed their minds and were coming after all. The brave souls that showed cute sister-in-law Brittany and my brother Chase, and my parents. The rest couldn't handle it. My thought on this...If WE can handle it coming from Texas then YOU guys fo sho can:) Though my boys thought it was cold, they loved every minute.

Brittany kept telling me to stand up straight but, I was so dang cold I couldn't. I don't know how this position kept me warmer, it probably didn't, I just wasn't in the right frame of mind.

Towards the end we couldn't find my mom anywhere. After a few minutes we found her standing over the Reflection Pool. At this point I think we all had Hypothermia. We thought she looked a little silly standing up there but, we're too cold to ask. Minutes later we were all thawing in our cars.

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