Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Primary Children's Hospital

Yes, we are and have been in Utah for one week now but, things haven't gone exactly as planned. We flew in last Tuesday and early the next morning Scarlet woke up with a terrible cold. We had Beano's wedding on Saturday and Scarlet cried pretty much the whole day. Sunday she had a fever of 102.4 and slept all but three hours that day. We also discovered a bulge in her Fontanel (soft spot). After talking with her pediatrician in Texas and a family friend who is a pediatrician here in Utah we took her to Primary Children's Hospital. They suspected Meningitis but before doing a spinal tap they tested her for Swine Flu, ran a Cat Scan, and gave her a catheter after finding her white cell count was extremely high. She loved the Cat Scan (as you can tell in the pics. above). It was 3:00am when she went in for it, was wide awake and was in awe with every little noise and light. After all the tests came back they said that they couldn't explain why her fontanel was bulging but, she that had a rare type of UTI. They gave her an aggressive dose of antibiotics and after eight hours her fever was gone. They are concerned that anatomically her kidneys may not be functioning properly so she has to have a series of tests when we get back to Houston.
We thought everything was good and we were in the clear for the rest of our trip. After having two doses of the antibiotics she woke up with hives on her head, neck and face. A few hours later they were all over her body. After taking her in once again they found that her oxygen levels were low and that she had definitely developed an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.
We are finally back at grandma's and hope to be here for good...they say things happen in three's so between Kai's broken arm, B's surgery, and now Scarlet we hope to be done for awhile.
Thank you for all of your prayers. :)
Dang Swine Flu...I hope we never have to wear masks again!!

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