Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Favorite time of year...

in Texas is right at the end of February and the beginning of March. RODEO TIME!! I missed a huge chunk of it this year while vacationing away from home by myself but, at least the kids got a glimpse and I got a small glimpse a few days after I returned.
A little Tim McGraw can suffice any craving for the Rodeo. This was all I got out of the Rodeo this year but, it will be enough to carry me over until next year.
Wish I had had my good lense with me:(

Seats were a little steep...
Fried Oreo, Fried Cheese Cake, and Fried Snickers are what we ate for dinner. I can usually handle my sweets but, these made me sick.

Jace and his best friend Skyler the morning of Rodeo Day at school

Rodeo Day at Kai's school is huge because the Trail Riders pass his school on their way to the Rodeo!! A huge thank you to his teacher Miss. Peggy who took all these photos for me while I was out of town:)

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