Tuesday, April 15, 2008

mOVie NiGht

In all reality this night was not intended to turn into a movie night. We were just watching the Taggart's kids and of course Ashton came over to ease he and Jace's withdrawal of not being with each other all day when suddenly Jace asked if we could turn this into movie night (which is something we do occasionally at our house and the kids love it). I quickly popped the popcorn and we watched Ice Age. I had to get a pic. of how cute they all look lined up waiting for the movie to start.

Jace, Ashton, Kai, Brooklyn, Nicholas

Kai and Brooklyn


Kristin said...

Avery's pretty jealous of the picture with Kai and Brooklyn!! Jk. That is such a cute picture!

Julie said...

Too cute!! I LOVE the super hero. BTW, the scrapbook title is sooo fantastic. Did you do that?

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