Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bernstein Bear Picnic

Last week Jace was relentless on insisting that our family go on a picnic like he had read in a Bernstein Bear book. He claimed that the Bernstein Bears go on picnics everyday and our family never has (I'm sure we have but, maybe not). Finally one morning he was watching the Bernstein Bears on Sprouts and low and behold it was an episode where of course the Bernstein Bears were on a family picnic.
I agreed with Jace that we could go on a picnic that night, but was very interested in what he could possibly eat on a picnic being the health freak and picky eater he is. When I asked what he would eat on a picnic he said, "strawberries". I said, "What else?" He said, "carrots and water and that's all." After looking at his serious expression I told him we would have to pick up some chicken nuggets and fries as well or the rest of the family would starve, and thankfully he didn't protest...like it would have mattered.

After we finished eating a family walked up with their "black lab" (our families favorite kind of dog). My kids ran up and asked if they could help throw the ball in the lake for the dog to swim after.

Thanks to Jace we had a great evening together before B left for Switzerland the next morning.


cortney and neil said...

How cute. I know you have had a picnic remember we had mcdonalds at the park when I lived in Salt Lake. But maybe that doesn't count as a picnic.

Anonymous said...

Hey!! We've been out of town for awhile but we're back- Call me when you have a free minute!!

Krissy Lowe said...

I love that the light sabers got to come along too. Sounds like your boys and my boys have similar obsessions. There's nothing like the Berenstein Bears prompting good family time.

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