Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What was once there is now gone...

A little over a year ago Brandon started reading the Eragon books to Jace every night. Jace was immediately drawn to this story. One day he happened to see the DVD cover and noticed Eragon had slightly longer hair. From that day on Jace decided he REALLY wanted to grow his hair out, so we let him.
A couple of weeks ago Jace came to me and said that he had decided it was too hot outside to have long hair anymore and he REALLY wanted to get a short haircut. Without vocalizing or showing my sadness I told him if that's REALLY what he wanted we could call Nee Nee (his hairstylist) and get him an appointment to get a REALLY short haircut.
Needless to say, I do really miss his wavy locks, but he REALLY seems happy with his new look so...I guess that's all that really matters (this is one battle I refuse to fight). Lets just hope he finds a new role model with semi long hair, or it gets really cold outside. :-)


and after...


Amber said...

I wish Cameron's hair looked that cute when it grew out!! Jace's hair is still pretty long, at least for your sake he didn't ask for a buzz. but that would look cute too!

Admin said...

That's one good lookin family you got there. Good to see you are doing well.

Sonia said...

I love it! He's adorable with long or short hair! Too cute!!!

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