Monday, September 8, 2008

Find Your Classroom Day

This past Friday was "Find Your Classroom Day" at Jace and Kai's school. They had so much fun looking for the "Moose" class and the "Turtle" class.

It took Kai a minute to decide if he liked his class or not. Luckily after about five minutes of holding onto my leg and watching Jace play he decided this class wasn't so bad after all. By the end he was actively playing in Play-Do and had no desire to leave.

Jace is in the Moose class and as soon as we entered the room he found a stash of Moose in the corner. :)

I have decided that it feels so weird to have both boys in school all day and no kids at home. In Texas pre-school (and no it's not Day-care) is longer than Kindergarten in Utah. Jace will go Mon-Thurs from 9:00am to 2:30pm and Kai will go on Wed. and Thurs. from 9:00am to 2:30pm as well. Oh well, I guess if they are going to learn something they will definitely learn it in that amount of time. :-)

1 comment:

Courtni said...

That would be wierd to all of the sudden not have kids at home with you for a period of time. Enjoy the down time...pretty soon you won't be alone in the day any more :-)

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